
News | 19/05/23
Dear brothers & sisters, we are proud to announce you another OFFICIAL ROTTING CHRIST release into our more than 34 years existence!
News | 03/04/23
Our dear friends, After hard work and preparations we can proudly announce our Festival appearances for this year. Look forward to seeing you all in our lovely places and until this time...Stay true and always follow your inner moonlight!
News | 17/03/23
Another tour is over and we feel like sending our gratitude and respect to all the bands that we shared the stage with and of course all of you that honor us with your presence and made this event one of our most successful one in our entire career!
News | 13/03/23
Thanks New York for another unforgettable experience on this tour!
News | 09/03/23
Thanks U.S.A. metaheads for making this current tour in your lands a highlight of our career so far! It's Canada's turn now!